BPW - On The Riding Front

Date: 01-07-2024




Remember this photo from the last Newsletter? Did Andrew celebrate too early???

Over the last month, mornings have been brutally cold here in Melbourne! Regularly hitting temperatures at or below 0. But besides from the cold, riding conditions have been very pleasant. No wind, no rain, well not till the past week anyway.

Robbie has continued to log his ks. Logging between 200 and 300km a week, depending if he can rise after watching the Tour De France.

Vince has been riding to and from work.

While Andrew, Carol, Christian and Paul have been away for work and/or holidays, escaping the melbourne cold.

With Andrew being off the bike for a period, Robbie has been able to close the gap to be 515km behind.

Can he draw level by the next Newsletter?




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