BPW - On The Riding Front

Date: 01-02-2024


This month Andrew and Carol stole the show going to Adelaide to enjoy the tour down under. And what an amazing event it is! With 1,000s of cyclist converging on Adelaide for a week of everything cycling. Above is a photo of Andrew on (in Carol's words) a serious boys ride coming over Checkers Hill at 23%. Great to see the ARC Kit and other club members making the trip across. 



Carol went on the Women's Rapha ride instead, finishing in Norwood for the start of the race. Great to see the crowds out and about to support the event and the Aussie's racing.

Back in VIC, Robbie got a bug and was off the bike for a week. After all his heroics last month, reality came crushing down. But he has persisted and is starting to hit some form again. Andrew and Robbie seem to be pretty close in km covered. I wonder if Robbie can keep up?


Christian's been loving his TRP gear. It is the most riding he has done in a month since he has had kids (I'm guessing)!

Vince is back in the warehouse (we missed him) and back to his daily commute. What a legend!

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